
E&P BU Award - Guidelines & Criteria


To recognize
exceptional contributions (including S&E) from individuals or teams impacting Business Unit yearly objectives while being an example of Repsol behavior. Contributions should be tangible, delivering an important milestone throughout the year in course, although start of initiative could be in previous year.


The employee will receive a congratulations card and select a gift option from the recognition awards site, E&P BU Award. Additionally, the award includes 1 month of assigned parking (for Houston Office employees) and 1 day off (to be used in a six-month period). The awarded employee will be highlighted in Town Halls and/or newsletters.

Criteria for Nomination/Selection

  1. Nominee must have a positive attitude toward work responsibilities, co-workers, and customers/vendors, and serves as a role model for others
  2. Must commit to quality in carrying out job responsibilities, and is an asset to the Company
  3. Demonstrate a willingness to exercise leadership, take initiative, and accept and carry out additional responsibilities beyond regular job assignments for the good of the Company
  4. Must be a regular full-time employee of Repsol Services Company
  5. Must have been employed for at least one (1) year
  6. Must not have any active disciplinary action pending
  7. Must not have received insufficient on MxC, in the last two (2) years.
  8. Is consistently dependable and punctual in reporting to work, completing assignments on time, and participating in additional responsibilities.
  9. Continuously displays Repsol’s values

Types of Accomplishments

Either Individuals or Teams could be nominated for a BU award.

  • Individual initiatives: those on which there has been a relevant individual drive (triggering, leading, pushing a project) to deliver in the year in course. This individual could be part of a team effort where the individual is awarded, and the team mentioned as supporting team for the individual.
  • Team initiatives: includes projects or initiatives on which the drive is coming from a core of  individuals delivering a common goal during the year. Individuals can belong to different Directions. There could be an extended team involved in the achievement. In this case, the core team will be awarded and extended team mentioned.
E&P BU Award Nomination Form